Solar Power in Santa Clarita CA
So how does it all work? Solar panels can be quickly understood when broken down to the main technologies used by homeowners for utilities, which is photovoltaics (known as PV). PV panels are used to create electricity from any sunlight that is absorbed in areas like sunnry Santa Clarita. These panels must have an inverter to convert any direct current power produced to actual power that can be used, which is referred to as alternating current power.
Solar Panel Costs in Santa Clarita CA
You may have heard the term SREC thrown around when talking about solar in Santa Clarita. SREC stands for solar renewable energy credits. These credits are used to show the amount of electricity produced by your solar panels. Typically, they go hand-in-hand with state renewable energy standards to determine if solar energy goals are being met and if the costs outweigh benefits.
For more videos see: Santa Clarita Solar Playlist
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